Ejemplos de uso de whole blood
1. Annually, there are about 15.3 million whole blood donations and 1.2 million platelet donations in the United States.
2. Haemoglobin, the molecule that does the oxygenating, is the prime target, although the iron, coagulants and antibodies found in whole blood are also separated out and used.
3. Ambiguity in the article about the distinction between albumin and whole blood prompted numerous Internet and radio news sources to report that HIV–infected blood from Voronezh had contaminated Moscow‘s blood supply, citing Kommersant.
4. Every one of these people is going through their private Beslan." What to Donate Besides whole blood, you can also donate platelets, leukocytes and plasma via apheresis, a longer procedure that takes one component and returns the remaining blood components back into the body.